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Optimising the Acoustics in the DE-CIX Facility

DE-CIX operates one of the world’s largest internet exchanges in Frankfurt, Germany and in such a place, a quiet working environment is essential for concentrated work. A large office space with a big staff and lots of machinery, however, often creates a challenging acoustic situation. In this blog post, we show you how we improved the room acoustics in the new DE-CIX premises.

Perfect Studio Room Acoustics for AKA AKA

In this video you can see what Holger and Hannes from AKA AKA think about their new studio, planned and equipped with HOFA-Akustik.

The Story Behind HOFA-Akustik

I founded our room acoustics division, HOFA-Akustik, in 2007. In this article, I want to tell you the story of how we became a manufacturer of diffusers, absorbers, frames, bass traps, acoustic curtains, dividers and wall & ceiling sails to optimize the acoustics of your studio, office or living space. The role of a salt […]