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What do I have to consider when putting acoustic modules in place?

< 1 min read

In general, the positioning of acoustic modules on walls and ceiling can be determined by utilizing a mirror. The mirror should be moved along the walls or ceiling until the speakers can be seen in it from the listening position. This is the ideal position for the most important acoustic modules. Because of the acoustic reflections on walls, ceilings and floors, basstraps work best when placed in the corners of the room. The positioning of diffusors and absorbers on ceiling and walls depends on the room’s use. In a recording or rehearsal room a balanced allocation of absorbers and diffusors is likely to come up with the best results. In control rooms you normally use the “Live End – Dead End (LEDE)” principle. This means: a large amount of absorption behind, above and at the side of the speakers and the listening position in combination with diffusors at the back of the room.